Cookie Cake!!
I made a cookie cake!! :D Here are some photos I took of my gorgeous cookie cake:
Do you see that? That lovely cookie cake? That yummy, beautiful, delicious, SO MUCH SUGAR cookie cake?
It's already half gone.
Yes, I know, it's sad. And by the way, I didn't eat half the cookie cake all by myself, if that's what you were thinking.
And also in case you were wondering, a cookie cake is basically one massive cookie. You can probably see why that might appeal to me :)
On another subject, the cuts on my face on barely noticeable now!! Thankfully it didn't take long for it to get better. I was afraid it would take forever to heal just because Mother Nature hates me. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here.)
P.S. I disabled word verification :) I'll just deal with the spam when/if it comes.
P.P.S. Don't judge my photography ;)
That looks like a piece of heaven! Om Nom Nom. I love cookies, any kind of cookies. Cookies... just... they're my happy food. :)
Yummmmmm!! It's just one large cookie. I would have eaten the whole thing nom nom nom :)
@Sarah: Thanks! And me too!! :D
@Clarissa: Haha I certainly want to but then it would all be gone and I'd have to make another one ;)
Oh that cookie cake looks amazing!!!
I'm hungry just looking at it!
Thanks :D
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